Yi Event: 2023-11-28 17:00 White House Christmas Tree Falls 23,3 > 52 < 2

White House Christmas Tree being righted after falling down in chill wind

Another (geo)political Yi. Have been somewhat under the weather of late with a flu or recurrence of Lyme Disease and although have ideas for more articles have not felt inspired to put them into writing. One that I will do soon will be entitled ‘Political Chakras’ a playful study of how just as there are different levels of experience in the human body-mind matrix – called chakras in the Indian yogic system – so also are there different levels in any societal mandala. That will come along at some point.

Also, I will explain a little more about what am trying to do with this series of essays which is act as a type of translator. In my time as a dedicated meditation practitioner and student of the Buddhadharma, which I still sort of am but sort of am not at this stage, I did enough practice and study to connect with some of the fundamentals of the tradition which is based – like all authentic callings – on bedrock reality, not ideology or power games though many get sidetracked by such in all fields. You can start off being a dedicated sincere doctor and then, after years working with the system, end up a pharmacy corporation shill. Similarly, you can get involved with a spiritual discipline for perfectly good reasons and end up a narrow-minded bigot even though that was the last thing one intended at the beginning. In any case, the experiential principles underlying contemplative discipline, at least in the Buddhist tradition, manifest in all types of human endeavour though not in the same context and not being readily explainable in the technical jargon which meditation teachers and students use in order to communicate though the experiences themselves, of course, do not depend upon such vocabularies or techniques, helpful as they are. Meditation is simply a way to connect with who and what is already there; it doesn’t create new levels of reality or experience, though in piercing the veils of habitual laziness and cowardness which obfuscate natural luminosity and clarity it does sometimes seem like something new is being developed. At which point in the minds and heart of many the desire to develop this further arises at which point one begins to tread the path of endless striving for attainment, the present moment always sacrificed on the altar of imagined future accomplishment. This is the seed of corruption which nearly all plant, nourish and watch grow and which is why it is so hard to lead an impeccable life. And yet that is the challenge we all face, both individually and collectively.

And when we stray from impeccability there is a price, for all pendulums swing back to the mean; and it seems that America is now soon facing a reckoning. Which maybe the falling Christmas tree symbolizes.

I calculated the trigrams from the event using a simple formula from the Plum Flower Mind I Ching Method published by Jou Tsung Hwa that gives a numerical value to the year, month and day for the upper/outer trigram and the same plus the hour for the lower/inner trigram.

Meanwhile, for fun when I saw a news article about the White House Christmas Tree falling over in the wind yesterday, I thought to use that method for what I call ‘an Event Yi’ about it. The Christmas Tree is a symbol of seasonal celebration for the entire nation, albeit that nation is no longer united in how it regards that symbol. Some find it oppressively religious, others overly pagan, and many others feel the whole Christmas thing a little silly, though most still like the feeling of the season, the decorations, the gifts, the sense of enjoying family and society. Anyway, when the official national Christmas Tree at the White House falls down, no doubt due to lack of intelligence and care in how it was mounted and supported, that means something. Because everything means something at least insofar as everything that occurs is part of the interdependent warp and weave of life, every phenomenon touching and effecting every other.

Interdependence, interestingly, is the inner ‘nuclear’ meaning of Hexagram #2, six yin lines, which symbolizes the interdependence of the Many, of Phenomena, occurrences, also our shared reality, aka a nation or society. Whereas the Primary Hexagram cast is #23, five yin lines with one yang line on top. Some say it symbolizes a house, with the top line making a roof. Yang rises so that top line wants to float away especially because there is nothing above restraining it – hence the notion of peeling away or splitting apart, the separation of things that were joined.

Interestingly, the 3rd line changing’s traditional commentary mentions it means that one loses connection or support from those above and below because its changing means it is no longer a yin line with yin lines above and below but now a yang line with yin above and below, which are different from it.

But the overall Hexagram (#23) changes into Hexagram #52 Keeping Still, which is Mountain above and Mountain below, a sense of double stillness, double stopping, double not doing. There are only eight doubled hexagrams, so each one is regarded as special. In this case both the Nuclear (#2) and the Derived (#52) are doubled. This is a strong throw, and given the traditional meaning of #23 Splitting Apart or Collapse fits the event of the national Christmas Tree being blown over – not auspicious. Upper and lower trigrams being the same has a sense of ‘as above so below; as within so without’. And this Derived Hexagram #2 has happened because of the third line in #23 changing. If we look at any Hexagram as the bottom line being the beginning and the top line being the end, then socially speaking the bottom line is the individual; the second line is family; the third line is local community and region, also because it’s the top line of the lower trigram, leadership at that level; the fourth line is Administration; the fifth line is Leadership; and the Sixth Line is spiritual leadership or realization. That’s the traditional description anyway. So here there is a suggestion that the stillness above and below will happen via change instigated at the level of the third line, the line of local community leadership. And 2024 is an Election Year. Just sayin’….

Somebody else noticed this event:


Published by The Baron

Retired non-profit administrator.

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