Blog of the Baron

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Layers & Levels Chapter Ten: The Neoplatonic Tripartite Cosmos

‘neoplatonism was the philosophical version of the Silk Road that bound the East and the West together giving them a shared lingua franca, lingua philosophia, by which they could deeply enter into transformative dialogue and intercultural exchange with each other.’

Layers & Levels Chapter Eight: Body Speech and Mind

Flowers in their flowering communicate the lovely enlightened language of Flowering Being

With manifold qualities of form, texture, colour, temperature, scent, beauty, sensitivity.

As with flowers so with all, from microscopic universes to macrocosmic spiralling galaxies…

Layers & Levels Introduction Part Three

Reality is more like a dream world conjured by a combination of one overall Being or Consciousness field within which unlimited particular living points of view including yourself, myself, the birds, the bees, the flowers and the trees and so on ad infinitum, each of whose perceptions constitute a unique dimension of ‘reality’, something I…

Layers & Levels Chapter Seven: The Five Buddha Families

Continuity in that the seeming gap between the wisdom of a fully realized Buddha and the ignorance of an ordinary sentient being mired in emotion-laden samsara is actually non-existent, much as the top and bottom sides of the same hand are mutually co-existent. In the jargon: wisdom and confusion co-emerge, or are ‘not-two’.


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3 thoughts on “Blog of the Baron

  1. I got here searching for the source of the quote from CTR on a pterodactyl dropping into your lap. I am thinking likely one of the seminary transcripts but havenot found it here or eslewhere. If you have an easy direction to pint me in, I will be grateful. Christiopher St John, Vajradhatu Seminary 1990 RMDC. now in Brunswick Maine


  2. Ha ha ha!

    I might be wrong, but I think that was at the 1979 Seminary though the context doesn’t come to me right now. Maybe it will pop up later…

    Has the snow melted there yet?


  3. I found this from a search, though it’s now how I remember it. Perhaps he used the image a few times in different talks.

    For instance, when a thought of tremendous aggression suddenly occurs, you may feel overwhelmed and start to sweat, but then you apply your awareness. You look at your thoughts and you dissect them. You notice how they arise, how they dwell, and how they disappear. Even if
    they do not disappear, the first flash disappears, and you have the chance to see the second flash coming into your state of mind. So even if a gigantic pterodactyl runs into you, you don’t just scream. First you look at it and see whether you are in a prehistoric situation or not. Realizing that you
    are still in the twentieth century, you say, “This couldn’t happen. Where did this pterodactyl come from? How did it land in front of me? How did this happen?” You don’t panic; you just examine what has happened to you.”

    p356 Path of Individual Liberation


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